Gum Tinting

Rotorua Dentures Gum Tinting

We have purchased a state of the art Kulser Composite Strobe Processor able to colour gums to look like real tissue.

The denture is sandblasted, dried, and primer is applied to the surface using the strobe light.

Coloured composites are then mixed and applied in contrasting pink opaque shades, reds, and Burgundy blue to create the illusiion of depth and the appearance of living tissue.

This process is continued, layer upon layer, and once completed, is harder than the usual pink acrylic and looks very attractive.

Individual teeth can also be characterized to match your own teeth.

Metal frameworks can be coated in tooth shades and pink gum so that clasps are not so visible and to enhance the bond with acrylic.

We do whatever it takes to bring you peace of mind

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